
Ten-thousand Magi Palace Magi lined up in a square formation, and began incanting a spell in chorus. All these Magi were wearing wind roc feather cloaks.

Wind rock feather was the best wind generator in the world. Corresponding with the ancient ‘Wind Owner Spell’ and the powers of these Magi, fierce gusts of wind blew out of those gray-white wind rock feather cloaks in an unstoppable way.

The wind gusts soon combined into one, then transformed into hundreds of tornadoes, rising straight into the sky. Gray tornadoes roared round above the city and swept away the ink left by those inkfishes before death.

Occasionally, a tornado would move to the water surface before the city, then disappear abruptly. The ink whirled away by the disappeared tornado would splash down and cover the bodies of those silver, thunderbolt-like swordfishes. Those swordfishes were turned to look like crazy, black boars which were crazily darting to the city.