Candle Dragon Light

"Kun Peng…You again!" Ji Hao raised his sword and roared, then threw a few magic pills into his mouth to replenish his consumed energy.

Just now, Ji Hao had a short fight against Dragon-slam and Tiger-blast, which almost consumed up all his energy. Facing Kun Peng and his offsprings, he dared not to be careless. Taking the few magic pills made by Priest Dachi himself, he sensed a warmth flowing to every corner of his body, bringing him back to his peak state, and actually an even better one.

"Marquis Yao Ji Hao, you have to die today!" Kun Peng covered the sky with his enormous body as he stared at Ji Hao and roared. A cold light shone in the sky, his pair of eyes illuminating the entire area like two small suns.

"I cannot let you tell anyone about the things in the water eye!" Kun Peng screamed shrilly, then yelled at his offsprings and the tens of Chaos monsters, "What’re you waiting for? Go! Smash this human kid!"