Hunt Him Down With Full Strength

Fei Water City people were crying. Even the sky was shaken by their cries. Standing on top of every tall building in the city were heavy armored elite warriors that came from Pu Ban City under Ji Hao’s order. These warriors were under the direct order of Emperor Shun. Expressionlessly standing in the city, some of them were even staring at those Fei Water people with angry eyes.

Human beings were facing a destructive disaster, but as a strong human force, Fei Water people refused to tide over the difficulty with everyone else. Even worse, they tried to ruin the flood-control plan for their own benefits. These people should die. They might live, but they should pay for their crime, even though these people didn’t make the call.

Thousands of melting pots stood in the city, glowing-red. Hundreds of searing irons with long handles were placed on each pot.