The Golden Bridge Breaks It

Those doors created by the all worlds monument had been swiftly switching positions. Countless doors flew around Ji Hao and his friends, leaving shreds of afterimages in the air, silently creating a dazzling golden glow.

From time to time, a large group of priest would walk out from those doors and release sword light beams, thunder-flames, or other attacks. Some threw out all kinds of treasures or weapons to attack Ji Hao and his friends. The space seemed to collapse, and Ji Hao felt like he was in the middle of a black hole, with bright light streams pouring down straight on his face.

The nine dragons chariot was shaking intensely. Waves of fiery clouds surged out and turned into strong defenses that shielded the whole chariot. Sometimes, the chariot suppressed the monument. Attacks launched by those priests failed to break the chariot’s defense, and ended up bumping on the fiery clouds, blasting into a heavy light rain while causing thunderous booms.