The Eruption of The Intent of Killing

Northern Wasteland, on the vast North Sea...

Same as the other continents, Northern Wasteland suffered a rampant flood too. But unlike the rest of the people, the ones in Northern Wasteland had gotten used to the life on the water.

Enormous wooden cities floated on the water. Countless strong human warriors mounted on all kinds of water-kind beasts, darting while cheering on the broad water surface. High up in the air, lighting bolts flashed across the sky. Every time that happened, a large number of human warrior would leap up and excitedly chase the bolt.

Dark turtles, dragon whales, mix-blooded Kun Peng birds, enormous ancient devil sharks, all kinds of mountain-sized water-kind creatures were roaring in the water and raising giant waves.

On the backs of these giant creatures, large groups of human beings had been building cities under the heavy rain.