Friendly Neighbor

"Do we have to eat all of this?"

Looking at a snow-white piece of meat from a thousand-years-old electric eel, Shermie asked Ji Hao with a bitter look.

"You have to eat all of it. Otherwise, you won’t have enough spirit blood for your future cultivation." Ji Hao looked at Shermie seriously. He gently cut his finger into the meat, tore off a one-foot-long slice, put into his mouth and began chewing slowly.

Tender`and crisp, the meat melted in Ji Hao’s mouth, into a slightly sweet juice, flowing into his stomach through his throat. A strong warmth spread through his body, making him feel so comfortable.

Spirit electric eel was one of the best kinds among water-kind spirit creatures. They were born with a great thunder power. Therefore, nourished by the thunder power day and night, electric eels were pure and clean. Except for the purest life-force, no spirit creature power could linger in their bodies.