The Shell of A Chaos Monster

The reception room of Tushan Chamber of Commerce’s shop was not luxurious, but was very natural.

The room was decorated with rocks and root sculptures, added with exquisitely handcrafted tables and chairs. Everything in the room was an artwork. Fiddling with the thick and short bamboo tube, which was square in shape and serving as a teacup, Ji Hao observed the furniture in this room. He had to admit that the Tushan Family was truly wealthy. These wooden and rock tables and chairs seemed to be ordinary, but in fact, every single one of them was surrounded by a thriving life-force.

The life-force suffused the entire room and connected with nature. The entire reception room was a great formation, and had been absorbing natural powers, transforming the natural powers into a life-force. It was releasing slowly, bringing all living beings in the room both physical and mental pleasure.