Netherworld Hierarch

When he said ‘cut the crap’, Ji Hao’s fists burned with a silver colored fire.

When he said ‘name your price’, he had already dropped the shell, dashed past Tushan Inkstone, who was dumbfounded, and crashed the stone folding screen behind Tushan Inkstone. Like a crazy bull, Ji Hao smashed a thick wall behind the screen, and broke into a large hall.

Destructively and unstoppably, his pair of fists swished fiercely towards a scrawny priest sitting on a black lotus with crossed legs, a thousand miles away in the hall, leaving a tens of thousands of miles long stream of light in the air.

Yes, the great hall next to the reception room of this shop was about a hundred meters in diameter, but its real space was folded by a powerful being. In fact, a tiny world was hiding in this hall. Ji Hao was now in a broad space, ten-thousand-miles squared in area. Dim dark light streams had been releasing from the dark lotus that the priest sat on, keeping this tiny world steady and stable.