Talk About the Great Dao, Gift the Treasures

Netherworld Hierarch liked Ji Hao. He frankly told Ji Hao that he was one of the three clones of Netherworld Priest, and had eighteen hell clones scattered in the nine water gates area, each having a mission. In every water gate, two hell clones had been working together, one in public, and one undercover.

Mentioning the eighteen hell clones, Netherworld Hierarch took a sip of the tea and started explaining to Ji Hao about the eighteen hell cones in details, from the very beginning.

The netherworld hell was divided into eighteen parts, and each part could be considered as an independent world, with an independent great Dao. Eighteen great Dao of nature ruled the hell together. Blade mountains, flame oceans, blood pools, and many cruel things existed in hell, all mysterious and hard to describe.