Violent Blood

In large human families, sons of concubines did not have the right to inherit the power and wealth of the family. Similarly, a spirit creature with a low-grade bloodline couldn’t possibly become a ‘king’ or a ‘queen’, who had his or her own territory, and hundreds of thousands of spirit creatures under his command. Even if spirit creatures like fishes, shrimps, toads, and water snakes managed to reach the level of ‘king’ on cultivation, and attained the strength to rival peak-level Divine Magi, those spirit creatures with ‘noble’ bloodlines, such as sharks, sea turtles, and poisonous serpents, still wouldn’t recognize their status. Not to mention the even ‘higher level’ ones, such as dragon whales and enormous turtles, or the ones with dragon descent, or the descendants of Chaos monsters; these spirit creatures were so proud, how could they ever take a crayfish seriously?