Netherworld Soul Chain

Screaming shrilly, Great Liberty began vomiting a sparkling blue liquid falling heavily to the ground.

On making contact with the air, the blue liquid she vomited immediately transformed into deep blue strands of mist, dissipating in the air. Instantly, a refreshing aroma suffused the air.

That was Pan Jia’s original soul power, the only component of her soul. Suffered a series of violent strikes from Netherworld Hierarch, Great Liberty was injured severely. The more blue liquid she vomited, the weaker Pan Jia’s soul became, and the more her cultivation downgraded.

"No, no, no!" Great Liberty shrieked heartbreakingly. Like a crazy woman who had suffered a mental breakdown, she crawled on the floor towards the pair of dragon horn sword. She howled, and her high-pitched voice even pained Ji Hao’s ears.