A Pair of Poor Things

Netherworld Hierarch prepared to get the most out of White Feather and the others by using his Netherworld blood ganodermas. Ji Hao didn’t want to see the widow-like bitter looks of White Feather and the others. Therefore, he brought Ao Li and Feng Qinxin back to his bone house.

Shermie attentively served tea and fruits. Ji Hao held a cup of tea, then sighed to Ao Li and Feng Qinxin and asked, "How did you end up like this?"

Ao Li and Feng Qinxin glanced at each other. Abruptly, Ao Li giggled, while Feng Qinxin’s pinky face turned pale, then blushed, and then paled again. As the color of her face changed countless times, she finally gave a long sigh and helplessly spread her hands.

"I fell into that evil thing’s trap."

With a gloomy face, Feng Qinxin told Ji Hao about everything happened to her and Ao Li back in Pan Jia world, in detail.