The Destination — Pan Gu!

The boundless Chaos…

The unimaginably enormous golden city dazzled with a golden light. Wherever it flew across, the Chaos was quieted down, and the disturbed natural powers were eased. The heterogeneous Chaos power was turned into clear streams, softly flowing by the city.

On the fence wall, strong warriors in full armors were on patrol under those golden divine towers. Occasionally, unlucky Chaos creatures would fly across, and a warrior would immediately burst into a resonant growl, then pull open his longbow.

The golden light flashed across, as blood and flesh splashed. Chaos creatures were slaughtered one after another. Countless exquisitely made golden flying boats hovered around the city, classifying and collecting the skin, meat, blood, and bones of those Chaos monsters, shipping back into the city to store. Left behind the golden city was a storm of blood. Not one Chao creature survived.