Gong Gong Escapes

"Haha, haha, haha!"

Ji Hao shielded Shermie behind him, his arms crossed over his chest as he laughed out loud towards those elders who had been shouting and yelling.

Undeniably, this small thunder bomb flag was a great treasure, but it was only one treasure. These people from powerful human families and clans, who believed that they were extraordinary, were acting like a bunch of street dogs at the moment, who gave up their basic dignity for one piece of bone!

"If I were an ancestor of yours, I would certainly slap you to death!" Looking at those greedy elders who were fighting over the small flag, Ji Hao laughed.

Many of them threw angry glances at Ji Hao. However, millions of elite warriors from those families also had the most of their attention on the small flag. Ji Hao’s words were ugly, despite which, no one had the time to attack Ji Hao.

Chu Wu Clan, Cloud Sun Family, High Sun Family, Qiong Sang Family, You Chao Family, Ghost Chariot Family…