A Hysterical Rout

These pyramids were large-scale defensive weapons developed by the You Chao Family, and were modeled on divine towers of Yu Clan. With one sword move, Ji Hao broke hundreds of these.

Being gripped in Netherworld Hierarch’s hand without being able to move, Dark Water Serpent had his eyeballs bulging out of his eye sockets as he stared at Ji Hao. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Not long ago, when he encountered these pyramids, he was trapped in the pyramid formation for a long while!

But Ji Hao cut three-hundred and sixty pyramids into pieces with one single sword hack! He did this as easily as cutting three-hundred and sixty pieces of tofu with a sharp knife, which made Dark Water Serpent even want to vomit blood.

A series of screams could be heard from the floating mountain. Led by a few white-haired old men, large groups of You Chao warrior rushed out of the mountain, trod on all weird kinds of tools and formed a formation in midair.