Slaughter A God Like Killing A Dog

Before the Huai Gate, Gong Gong stood up from the throne.

A pair of North Sea dark dragons guarded on both his sides. As Gong Gong picked up a trident, which was embossed with two coiled dragons, an anciently styled and undecorated dark armor rose from under his feet and quickly covered his entire body.

His face was pale. On his chin, three wisps of beard fluttered without being blown by any wind. Treading on a wave, Gong Gong approached Ji Hao step by step.

"Ji Hao, Marquis Yao Ji Hao! Come on, come on… Today, one of us has to die right here. You, or me, one of us will die!" Looking at Ji Hao in the eyes, the lotus spinning between Gong Gong’s eyebrows turned clearer and clearer. Sneering in a bitter, despairing way, Gong Gong gritted his teeth and said, "Come on. As long as you accept my challenge, I will order my people to clear the way right now to let you dredge the water channel."

"Ji Hao, stay calm!" Si Wen Ming grabbed Ji Hao’s hand.