The Leader of Suiren Family

Upon dense fiery clouds, the nine dragons chariot was glowing intensely. Tens of thousands of heavily armored Yao Mountain warriors stared at the old man in anger.

Ji Hao smiled and didn’t say a word, but only looked at this old man in a black robe, who seemed to have ‘justice’ in every pore of his, from head to toe. But from behind him, Man Man had already rushed out, pointed at the old man and yelled angrily, "Why? Those are Ji Hao’s treasures! Why can you take them like this?"

The old man smiled ‘mildly’, then ‘amiably’ nodded at Man Man and said, "Man Man, I have been friends with your father for years. Back then when I was young, I used to fish dragon-head crocodile flood dragons in Southern Wasteland Dark Wind Beach with Zhu Rong, the Great Libation."