A Strong Force Encircles The City

Fiery clouds rolled while the nine dragons chariot flashed across the sky, flying towards Yao Mountain City.

Sitting on the chariot, Ji Hao looked down at the mountains and rivers down below that the chariot flew past quickly. The ‘All Streams to the Final Land’ great formation was already completed. By now, the flood was ebbing, but in many areas, turbid waves had still been surging in rivers and lakes.

The situation was already much better than the worst time during the flood. By the sides of different sized water channels, the earth was already exposed in some areas. Simple and crude shacks and tents were already built in some flat areas, forming different scaled campsites.

Countless human beings had been working hard. They were scrawny and exhausted, but they had smiles of hope on their faces. They created new farmlands, took out the seeds that they preserved with great efforts during the flood, and planted into the soil with extra care.