A Terrifying Deal

Netherworld Hierarch looked at Ji Hao, seeming to be struggling.

His gaze at Ji Hao was complicated, with a trace of contempt, surprise, and many other subtle emotions that Ji Hao didn’t want to dig in. A long while later, Netherworld Hierarch put his mouth near Ji Hao’s ear and whispered, "Since the ancient times, people only affected their younger generation when they did things wrong. Kid, you are so cruel, now that the younger generations did things wrong, you’re relating it to their ancestors! Those are dead people!"

Ji Hao sighed slightly, then innocently and pitifully spread his hands towards Netherworld Hierarch and said, "But, they were bullying me. Elder, you have no idea. If my Yao Mountain territory didn’t have this power of defense, hehe, I’m afraid that my families and all people living in my territory would have been enslaved already!"