A Bad Situation

"Emperor tokens!" Gong Sun Bo and the other large family leaders’ eyes almost burned.

Ji Hao actually had emperor tokens! He could actually contact those former human emperors who were in the Chaos and doing god knew what! This, this, this was a disaster to Gong Sun Bo and the other leaders!

If they knew that Ji Hao had emperors tokens, they would never, ever go against Ji Hao so aggressively! If they knew this, they would even be happy to marry the most beautiful girls in their families to Ji Hao, to earn his support.

But they didn’t know, and they had already done those things!

Glancing at each other, Gong Sun Bo and the other leaders silently took a step forward. A strong intent of killing spread out from their bodies, that could make any ordinary human being quiver out of fear. They could not let Ji Hao go to those former emperors; such things could never happen!