The Shame of A Sword Strike

Fan Gu was infuriated.

Back in Liang Zhu City, no one dared to mention Shennong in front of him. His families dared not to even say the word 'Shen' and the word 'Nong'. But today, in front of everyone on the scene, Ji Hao reopened his deepest scar and made him stamp with fury.

Following a shrill swishing noise, the scythe was swung towards Ji Hao's head.

Sitting aside, Yemo Luoye laughed loud aloud, even bending her body with intense laughter. Dark mist rose around her, with fist-sized black roses hovering in it. Coiled by the dark mist, she looked like the goddess of night, breathtakingly beautiful.

Ji Hao laughed loudly as well. Letting out a faintly audible dragon roar, Pan Gu Dragon Mark swished towards the scythe.