The Same Master Shifu

In the west of Liang Zhu City, a million miles away from the city was the Tusk Basin.

Countless dark-green colored towering mountains reached straight to the sky, looking like enormous tusks, surrounding a fertile plain. Huge mineral reserves of heavy metals and crystals were buried under this area. Therefore, the natural magnetic power in this area was amazingly strong. An underground magnetic storm would happen in this area almost every day. Each time that happened, one could see colorful light streams rising into the sky through the straight mountains, blasting in the clouds and forming dragon-like lightning bolts, dazzling all over the sky.

Occasionally, a few electric bolts would strike down and land on the mountains. The mountains would glow blindingly, while the area struck by lightning bolts would be burned glowing-red. After a long while, the burned areas would gradually cool down, and the color of the mountains would turn back normal.