Suppress the Spirit Beast with the Cauldron

"Wanna save him? Impossible!"

Piji Nu laughed wildly. He defended himself against Ji Hao's foot that was swishing at him. Meanwhile, the bright red mist coiled on his other hand grew thicker and thicker. Apparently, he was preparing for a stronger attack. He wanted to kill Ao Hao with another attack.

The blood-red arena was a special tool for dueling created by the Red Sun. It would disable the ones inside the arena from coming out, but would never stop the ones on the outside from coming in. Ji Hao's foot left a straight dark trail in the sky and then landed heavily on Piji Nu's palm.

Behind Piji Nu, the sky dominator widely opened its twenty-seven eyes. Piji Nu screamed in pain as Ji Hao's foot violently struck on his palm. Along with a loud bone cracking noise, everyone on the scene saw his palm get twisted. Tens of broken bones came out of his hand through his muscles.