The Glorious Domination

Liang Zhu City...

Wearing a mask that covered half of his face, Yemo Tian walked in a street that he was familiar with.

Maybe because all main military forces had swarmed out with the twelve emperors, guards in Liang Zhu City became lazy. They were supposed to be on patrol along all streets and alleys. But now, they left their mounts aside and stood by the street in small groups, talking about the rosy time they spent last night.

Occasionally, very occasionally, a couple of slightly more responsible guards would glance at Yemo Tian, but it was nothing more than a few glances. Yemo Tian's clothes were made from expensive fabric that only top-grade nobles could afford. The twelve brightly shining spell symbols rings on his fingers could even blind a healthy living being, and even his mast had been releasing strong energy waves.