Reverse the Situation

Liang Zhu City was enormous, such that the so-called final defense system only covered the area inside the city wall. Countess mansions and castles that belonged to lower-grade Yu Dynasty nobles were located outside the city.

When raging roars echoed through the sky from the city, many of these suburban non-humankind nobles sent scouts to the city. Because Ji Hao activated the defense system, these scouts couldn't take a signal step into the city, but they had roughly figured out what was going on in the city — All in all, someone had rebelled.

Hearing that the turmoil was related to Yemo Tian, and countless scouts witnessed a destructive weapon fighting against nearly a hundred deputy elders in the sky, Yemo Luoye's face paled immediately. A tremor went through her slim body, while a dark sun whooshed up from her head. Dense wisps of dark mist coiled around her entire body. The power of the dark sun was like a black hole, drawing the surrounding space ceaselessly into her body.