Demand An Exorbitant Price

Ji Hao was very embarrassed.

Even Emperor Shennong and Emperor Xuanyua had drunk quite a large amount of wine. At the moment, they were excitedly slapping empty wine pots and passionately singing a song. But, Ji Hao didn't manage to taste a single wine drop.

The temperature of the fire wrapping around his body was way too high, which would evaporate the wine far before it was poured into Ji Hao's mouth. Before he gained a perfect control of his suddenly soared power, he wouldn't be able to drink any booze or water. More helplessly, he didn't even have the luck to enjoy grilled meat, steaming meat, fruits, vegetables, rice cakes, sweet potato cakes, and all other types of foods either. Same as the wine, being touched by his fingers, all foods would turn into wisps of smoke immediately.