The Sun and Moon Samsara

One leg of Red Lei was cut off. A golden flame lingered on his wound, burning slowly and looking like fluff. Even though Red Lei had boosted up his Red Sun power as much as he could, the fire had still been incinerating his body bit by bit. He could only swallow his saliva with effort.

Compared to Pan Gu Dragon Mark that he saw days ago, the Pan Gu sword now looked simple, without all the sharp glow and luxurious luster of Pan Gu Dragon Mark. At first glance, this heavy, simply shaped, lusterless sword looked like a large stone which was flushed by the water in a stream for countless years. Without an impressive appearance, this sword seemed to look quite 'clean'.

Clean, indeed, extremely clean.

No natural law or natural power seemed to affect this sword. This simple-looking longsword was held in Ji Hao's hand all quietly, giving an aloof feeling.

It was aloof, so it was cold.

It was simple, so it was emotionless.