Failed to Negotiate

His horns were shattered along with a big half of his head. Boiling hot dragon blood spurted out like a fountain. Suffering the unbreakable pain, Ao Ku screamed uncontrollably and showed his original figure in the ten-miles-wide hole on the ground.

He was a thousand miles long dragon, with a body covered with purely black scales. A strangely brutal and fierce power could be sensed from every scale of his.

He was an evil dragon. Back in the ancient era, he used to be a disaster to human beings. He flooded human territories and slaughtered human beings for fun. He liked to grind his teeth with human bones and fulfill his appetite with human blood.

Ji Hao gave Ao Ku a deep gaze. This damnable old creature, he had actually imprisoned the souls of all human beings who were killed or eaten by him in his scales with an extremely dark secret magic. Every scale of his was a giant prison, with tens of millions of human souls kept in it!