Crow Warriors Sword Formation

A figure flashed across in midair. That was a priest with a fierce sense of power. Treading on a cold beam of light, he descended from the sky.

This priest looked exactly like Yu Yu, but his power sensed largely different from Yu Yu's, and he didn't have pupils. In his eyes, especially sharp sword lights had been interweaving, as metal clangs were faintly audible from his eye sockets.

Ji Hao had already gained a pretty deep understanding of Yu Yu's art of Dao. He knew that this priest must be one of Yu Yu's three clones. Judging by the fierce sword intent of his, he must be a clone created based upon Yu Yu's supreme art of sword.

Treading on a fiery cloud, Ji Hao came to this priest. He kneeled and kowtowed, then greeted him, "Shifu."