A Lot of Work

After Priest Mu left, Ji Hao's divine emperor career officially started.

Fuso tree leisurely took root and stretched his branches in the large backyard of the Divine Sun Palace. Mr. Crow and a large group of Gold Crow elders stayed on his branches, napping all day. Following their breaths, wisps of essence sun power had been merging with their bodies, constantly improving their powers.

Because of the Fuso tree, the power of the great Dao of sun in the Divine Sun Palace had grown especially strong and pure. A splendid beam of golden sunlight poured down from the Pan Gu sun, shining on the entire palace and making it a perfect cultivation ground for Gold Crows.

Each day, one could see countless Gold Crows squatted on eaves, tiles, branches, and tall towers in ordered lines, taking turns to cultivate themselves according to Ji Hao's orders.