
High up in the air, a group of Gold Crow warriors with gorgeous golden feathers flew across the sky while cawing brightly.

Flying side by side with those Gold Crow warriors were hundreds of metal plates which belonged to Jia Clan warriors. Dim blue electric light sizzled on the metal plates, while thousands of shrimp and crab warriors trod on them, followed Gold Crow warriors on patrol.

On the ground, Gold Crows in their scrawny human shapes were wearing long golden robes, carrying long spears and strong bows while walking on the streets and alleys in Liang Zhu City. Their heads were held high, and chests puffed out. They had learned to follow the military rules, that when walking on the ground, they wouldn't caw like the ones flying in the sky anymore.

They moved in perfectly ordered lines and were armed to the teeth, looking exactly like an elite force.