Yu Huo’s greed

A misty light emerged from Dishi Cha's eyes, as the despair grew stronger and stronger on his face. He felt that his soul was like a candlelight in a hurricane. He protected the weak light of himself with no spare efforts, but facing the hurricane which was sweeping across his entire spiritual space, his resistance was so weak.

Yu Huo smiled, enjoying the despairing, struggling look on Dishi Cha's face.

He restrained his power on purpose to keep Dishi Cha's mind clear, keeping him on the verge of collapse. The clearer his mind was, the more scared and despairing he would be, and the more Yu Huo would enjoy it.

"You…why…?" Dishi Cha trembled slightly and asked the question that puzzled him the most at the moment.

"Why am I in Yemo Tian's body?" Yu Huo smiled while shaking his head and responded, "Oh, oh, oh, this is a giant secret. But, since you've asked the question, I will kindly answer it for you, shall I?"