A Disaster of Soul

An exaggeratedly luxurious, hill-sized chariot, which was entirely cast from pure gold, slowly approached the manor.

Eighteen-thousand Jia Clan warriors carried the chariot on their backs, crawling on the ground with their arms and legs as they moved forward bit by bit. Their mouths and eyes were sewed with golden threads, unable to talk or see. Driven by an invisible force, they moved forward slowly like crawling corpses.

Yu Huo sat on top of the giant chariot, with a group of beautiful Yu Clan girls kneeling around him. Leaning his left arm on a soft cushion, he was holding a large glass of wine with his right hand, gently shaking the glass while sipping it from time to time.

Dishi Cha's mouth corners were curved upwards, forming a dramatic smile. He was still maintaining his ninety-degree bow. Apart from Dishi Cha, the other tens of leaders from large Yu Dynasty families were wearing the same stiff smiles, bowing deeply while standing on the chariot.