Unsealed Wuzhi Qi

Wuzhi Qi was about thirty meters tall at the moment, standing in front of Yemo Luoye and Polo Jia like a small hill.

His silver-blue long hair fluttered like seaweed in water, as a suffocating danger could be sensed from the beautiful silver-blue light. His terrifying spirit creature power drilled into every non-humankind warrior's body like mud in a swamp, and forced them to open their mouth to gasp for air.

Cracking noises could be heard without an end while Wuzhi Qi released his power as much as he liked. He showed the power of a true prehistorical spirit creature to the people on the scene. Under the pressure created by him, the bones of all non-humankind creatures within the area a million miles in radius around him were creaking. The slightly weaker ones among these non-humankind warriors had already fallen to the ground with broken bones.

Wuzhi Qi bared his teeth and grinned. With his muscular arms, he slowly swung the dark ice cudgel.