
Above Pu Ban City, upon layers of chaos, tens of people flashed through the space at their highest speeds.

The clouds were shattered, gales were crushed, auroras, sky fires, soul pieces, iced spirits, dark winds...All scary natural dangers were left far behind, as they were heading to the heaven as fast as possible.


Following a muffled noise, a, millions of miles long formidable purple aurora streak suddenly descended from the end of the sky and swept across these swiftly flying people. Their defensive treasures burst into dazzling lights. Struck by the aurora, the cracking noises could be heard from quite a few of their defensive treasures.

"Be careful! Go up if we can, draw back if we can't!" Shouted an old yet strong voice, "We have to arrive at heaven as quickly as possible. Ji Hao isn't in the heaven, but he should have let senior Yao Mountain ministers in there, or Gold Crow elders. They are all divine gods now, powerful enough to interfere in an human world affair."