Beat Them to Death

Gong Sun Lang was embarrassed, and so was Piji Nu.

They knew that Yao Mountain territory was tough, and not easy to deal with. But, they never though that this could be so difficult. They were stuck a thousand miles away from the city, and weren't allowed to take even one step forward.

The great army under Gong Sun Lang's command could not even move an inch forward. Of course, this wasn't because of the warning from the stone man, neither because of the flag standing on the ground or the pattern on the flag. It was purely because of the heaven and earth great formation.

Controlled by the city, the heaven and earth great formation covered the area a thousand miles around Yao Mountain City, starting from the outermost city wall. Staying an inch away from this area, one would not be affected by the great formation at all, but stepping in this area for even one inch, one would immediately suffer a full-strike from the formation.