In the Flames of War

The one leading the army to attack the sun world was Wu Gu, an elder of Chi Wu Clan.

What made Ji Hao and Hao Tao drop their faces was that Wu Gu and his warriors were all crazy, that no matter how cruelly Ji Hao tortured them, they wouldn't care about their own lives. Ji Hao made them howl in pain, but they merely twisted their faces and cursed Ji Hao through clenched teeth, without taking one step backward.

With a slight carelessness, Ji Hao failed to control his power well and killed a few Chu Wu Clan Senior Magi right on the spot, both their bodies and souls. But, the blood and body parts of those dead Senior Magi immediately merged with their souls and formed an extremely evil curse, striking towards Ji Hao and Hao Tao. If Ji Hao didn't react timely, Hao Tao would have been harmed by it already. After all, Hao Tao had already suffered serious injuries.