Turning into Devils

On Magi Prairie was a lake called Magi Pond. The light-red water in the lake seemed to contain countless sorrowful souls, rippling quickly. The strong scent of blood emitting from the lake could even make a human being faint, but the Chu Wu Magi sitting around the lake had been inhaling the strangely thick scent of blood as if it were the most beautiful scent in the world.

A ferocious-looking statue made from beast bones and black-red rock stood by the lake, worshipped by countless Chu Wu Clan leaders. Loudly and hoarsely, these people had been casting a strange spell.

The statue was three-thousand-meters in height, with thirteen heads and thirty-six arms. The thirty heads were so twisted and ugly, showing the expressions generated from the seven emotions and six desires of human beings. The thirty-three arms were strong, each holding a simply-shaped, scary-looking weapon which had been releasing waves of dark energy.