Pan Yu world

Immeasurably far from Pan Gu world, deep in the Chaos, a great world laid among Chaos tide waves. The egg-shell-like natural screen wrapped this world tight. Looking from a distance, the dark natural screen made this world look like a rotten duck egg, releasing a faint black mist.

This was Pan Yu world, the hometown of the non-humankind beings who invaded Pan Gu world.

Through the thick natural screen of the world which was filled with disordered natural powers, one could see three different-colored suns shining in the sky like three giant eyes, looking down at the world.

In the starry void of this world, countless lifeless natural stars lied quietly, covered in giant holes. Some relatively shallower holes with radiuses of hundreds, even millions of miles, were obviously caused by the afterwinds of the battles fought by powerful beings. But, the deeper ones with perfectly round openings were left by long-lasting ore extractions.