Break Silence

Outside Liang Zhu City, Yu Huo gritted his teeth and angrily gripped a pen which was soaked in blood, slowly signing his name on a black scroll.

This black scroll was made from Saint Pan Yu's skin and contained a measureless magic power. It was a binding magic contract that affected all living beings in Pan Yu world, even including saints like Yu Huo. No one from Pan Yu world was free from the constraint of this contract.

Yu Fen, Yu Ji, and the other eight saints joined hands and invaded Pan Gu world, forcing Yu Huo to share the potential profits in Pan Gu world. Yu Huo made some efforts and acted like he had no choice at all, reluctantly signing his name on the contract.

With the advantage of the alliance, Yu Fen, Yu Ji and the other saints did not do this in a friendly way. They forced Yu Huo to promise to divide the potential profits from Pan Gu world and surrounding great worlds into ten parts, so that each of them could have a share.