Endless Rain

The wind was heavy as mountains, falling straight on the enemies' heads.

The non-humankind army, which had been marching up aggressively, was instantly slowed down. The moving speeds of flying forts, flying mountains, and the cities of great calamity, which were even huger in size, dropped obviously.

The large objects suffered a stronger resistance force. Dazzling spell symbols sparkled on the surfaces of all flying forts and mountains as the flying formations inside these forts and mountains were all fully activated. Lightning bolts burst out of the forts and mountains and merged together, slowly wriggling around like electric snakes.

The cities of great calamities had unfolded all their metal petals like blooming flowers, but those metal petals brought the cities greater pressures. The extremely thin metal petals glowed with a dim light, then the dark gale struck heavily on these large, fragile-looking metal petals visibly, and caused thunderous bangs.