Slaughtering in the Turmoil of War

Liang Zhu City fell into a turmoil of war. A strand of sword power nearly brushed across Yu Meng's body. A few beautiful emeralds on his golden armor burst into a bright light and cracked into pieces.

Yu Meng was startled. He hurriedly yelled at his subordinates and brought them to flee further away at the highest speed. Earlier, he clearly watched Ji Hao easily kill so many top-grade nobles. Even though Yu Meng believed that he could defeat any of those spoiled high-grade nobles without making an extra effort, he still didn't have the courage to face Ji Hao on his own.

"He is a frightful being, but we can trust him." Yu Meng gritted his teeth, telling the others about his thoughts through the silent voice magic. "The only thing we need to prevent is this monster swallowing us as his new targets after our goal is achieved."

Low voices could be heard from around Yu Meng's ears.

"Damn it, Yu Meng! Is this the ally you suggested? What a damnable guy, but I like him!"