The Supernatural Phenomenon Created by the Cauldron

The three-legged cauldron was a million miles tall. No ordinary human being could ever imagine that height, or climb to the top of this cauldron in a lifetime.

The cauldron was more towering than any mountain in Pu Ban City; the power it released was old, mighty, and noble, as if the holiest human emperor walked up from his time and returned to the human world, looking at all human beings in Pu Ban City with the gentlest, mildest eyes.

This tremendous cauldron stood in Pu Ban City, but strangely, it did not block the sunlight.

The sunlight poured down from the sky as usual, warm and gentle, nourishing all living beings and generating new lives. The golden sunlight flowed on the surface of the quaint cauldron like water, rimming this gigantic and magical cauldron with a beautiful, golden edge.