Dragon Mother

High up in the air, Ji Hao pointed the Pan Gu sword at Shixin and his brothers. Instead of using the Pan Gu bell as a protection, he now had it held in his left hand like a weapon. The bell seemed to feel the strong will of fighting in Ji Hao's heart and buzzed deeply without being rung.

Every buzz of the bell would stir up waves of space ripples around Ji Hao's body. The space was quaking, and all the others felt as if invisible electric currents were going through their bodies, numbing their bodies and souls. Their power flows were disordered, no longer under their full control.

Shixin and his brother seriously looked at the Pan Gu bell. Earlier, they had done a few quick move exchanges with Ji Hao. But back then, they only knew the bell had an amazing defensive power, but never thought it could also be so effective as a weapon.

They silently did a rough calculation, and found that as a result of their disordered power flows, they were weakened by at least forty percent!