Priest Sadness Cries

Priest Sadness was short, fat, and bald, with a circle of glistening red hair on his head. His body was in an awfully unattractive shape, yet he had an indescribably majestic look on his face.

He had round eyes, round nose, round mouth, and even his pair of protruding ears were round. The best word for a face like this was 'cute'. However, the expression on this 'cute' face was imperatorial, serious, and inviolably sacred. Ji Hao was a divine emperor, but not even he had that kind of a look.

Priest Sadness was wearing a yellow robe, and carrying a pair of longswords crossed on his back. The swords were even longer than his body. With that serious face, Priest Sadness made some effort to put his hands behind his body, then walked into the cave.

Looking at Priest Sadness, who was merely reaching the height of his waist, Ji Hao really wanted to ask him, 'Can your two hands touch each other behind your back?'