Tong Jiong’s Suggestion

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The Pan Gu bell vibrated at a scarily high frequency. The muffled bell rings sounded like countless saw blades rubbing against each other, giving Ji Hao a sharp earache.

Along with the buzzing of the bell, Priest Sadness's bitter cries could be heard from time to time. Hearing his cries was as uncomfortable as spreading a handful of burning mustard powder on one's ear, or putting some sharp iron sands into ones heart. That uncomfortable feeling would drive one crazy.

Ji Hao and Mr. Crow had no energy left to fight back. Ji Hao controlled the Pan Gu bell with all of his power to shield Mr. Crow and himself. Mr. Crow had shifted back into his Gold Crow shape, claws sunk into Ji Hao's shoulder and wings extended. His golden feathers were straightened, as sharp as blades, and burning ragingly. The blood had been flowing out of his beaks and eyes.