The Armies Reach Yao Mountain City

While Ji Hao was fighting against the three powerful beings alone with the sword formation, an intense aura of killing was looming on Pan Gu Motherland. The sounds of drums, horns, and the screams of battle beasts nearly cracked the sky. Numberless giant battle machines moved swiftly on the ground, leaving deep tracks behind.

Yao Mountain City stood in the old location of Buzhou Mountain. Ji Hao moved the entire city to this location and expanded it widely. On the city walls, the blurry figures of countless legendary creatures could be seen, while numberless heavily armored human warriors, dragon warriors, phoenix warriors, and the elite warriors from other species patrolled on the walls.

Outside the city, the lava rivers, sand rivers, and dangerous swamp zones had been giving a strong pressure. Countless strange creatures stayed leisurely in these dangerous place, roaring thunderously at the sky from time to time.