Tit For Tat

When Dragon Mother was punishing her boys and Emperor Xun was holding a party, a few dark-faced priests wearing long coarse robes walked to Emperor Xun's palace in a hurry. Right behind the jade stage in the middle of the palace, the few priests ran into Wu Bi and a few Chu Wu Clan elders behind him.

They paused under the stage and looking at each other with skeptical eyes.

Thin and bone-piercingly cold gusts of wind spiraled up from the earth, raising clouds of dust and leaves. The leaves swirled swiftly in the winds, then were shredded by an invisible force.

Among the few priests, the one who seemed to be the oldest had a pair of brightly shining eagle eyes, with dark-golden pupils. He abruptly bowed to Wu Bi, said, "I am Zang Yuanzi, a disciple of Saint Mu from the west."

Wu Bi threw a glimpse at Zang Yuanzi, then laughed with an evil hissing voice, "Cut the crap...Are you really their disciples?"