
Pan Gu Motherland, on the old site of Buzhou Mountain…

After Ji Hao pulled out the broken Buzhou Mountain and forged it into the Pan Gu bell, a bottomless hole was left in this area. Because of Pan Gu Motherland's strong self-healing ability, this hole disappeared in months. By now, Ji Hao's Yao Mountain City towered in here.

Right under Yao Mountain City, in the core of Pan Gu Motherland, countless ancient poisonous fire bubbles had been squeezing and bumping against each other. Occasionally, a fire bubble exploded and sent a wave of purple and dark-red flame streaks bursting in all direction. The flames blasted and caused thunderous booms, seeming about to even tear the entire world apart.

By slightly touching this earth fire bubbles which were generated over billions of years, an ordinary man would immediately die, his body would vanish, and soul would perish.