Netherworld Priest Fights

The moment Taisi put his forehead and palms on the ground, a blurry, gray figure rose from the Nailhead Seven Arrow Book. An evil and dark power erupted. For a very short span of time, this strong power even forced the Pan Yu's dark mist back for nearly a million miles.

On this blurry figure's face, a pair of light spots sparkled dimly. He stared at Pan Yu, then a voice echoed through the hearts of all Pan Yu Motherland creatures. The voice was resounding, weak, sounding like a cold gust of wind from hell, even seeming to freeze the internal organs of all living beings.

"Not...Pan Gu..." This gray figure sighed and collapsed inwards, becoming an extremely thin beam of arrow light that rolled up the Nailhead Seven Arrow Book and bumped at Pan Yu's chest.
